The Centre has been set up as a non-political
and non-profit making NGO. Through its activities,
studies and analysis, by using the experience
of other countries in the parliamentary field as well,
the Centre aims at influencing objectively
in the process of the development
and modernization of the Parliament.


Anëtarët synojnë që nëpërmjet studimeve dhe analizave, duke shfrytëzuar dhe përvojën e perparuar në fushën parlamentare të vendeve të tjera, të influencojnë në mënyrë objektive në procesin e zhvillimit dhe modernizimit të jetës parlamentare


Zhvillimi dhe rritja e efektivitetit në veprimtarinë parlamentare, procesin legjislativ si dhe zhvillimin e demokracisë parlamentare nëpërmjet ndërmarrjes së studimeve dhe kërkimeve, organizimit të akiviteteve dhe trainimeve në këtë fushë


Për arritjen e këtij qëllimi, Qendra do të tërheqë në veprimtarinë e saj specialiste të kualifikuar, vendas dhe te huajë dhe do të përpiqet të sigurojë mbështetjen e organizatave analoge jashtë vendit, në favor të punës shkencore dhe kërkimore. Qëndra synon botimin e një periodiku në fushën parlamentare.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum.

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CPS is a non-governmental, nonpartisan organization working to strengthen democratic institutions and support parliamentary procedures and legislative processes to ensure the consolidation of democratic ideals and values. The development of democratic institutions is one of the fundamental objectives of institutional reforms in Albania. This process takes on a special significance, considering the way these institutions were built and the role they played during the development stages of the modern Albanian state. We are particularly focused on supporting parliamentarism, the rule of law, electoral democracy, human rights, civic education and good governance.

CPS Board members, having extended experience as legal advisors to the Albanian Parliament, decided to establish this Center in 2000 to preserve and develop the positive tradition in the parliamentary and legal field, in addition to providing a contribution to the development of democratic practices.


Through studies and analyzes, based on the advanced experiences of other democratic countries, we aim to objectively and constructively influence the process of development and modernization of parliamentary activity and consolidation of democratic institutions.


CPS focuses in strengthening democratic institutions through citizen participation, transparency and accountability in government. It seeks to increase the quality and effectiveness of the legislative process and other parliamentary procedures. To achieve this goal, CPS will complete studies and research, organize activities and trainings in the relevant fields by bringing together individuals and groups to share ideas, knowledge, experiences and expertise, cooperate with qualified scholars and experts, and try to secure the support of sister organizations abroad, in favor of scientific and research work. It will also train young scholars in the legislative field and collaborate with universities, institutions, foundations and other civil society organizations. CPS will publish ….name …a periodical that brings a rounded perspective to the major issues affecting parliamentarism.


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On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike.